Dec 24, 2009

Here It Is

I didn't get to make as many as hoped.

This is a scene from the sequel to Special one that I plan on making. It's the legend of canyon, the group's best fighter.

This is one of the characters from Special One, Jelani. Male calicos and torties are supposed to be sterile, but he later has a son, that is why he is a genetic wonder. I know that background is from before, but that is where that part of the story takes place.

Old Pic

It changed quite a bit.

Lion and Cougar were the first 2 to join the wild cats. Lynx was the newest and youngest cats to join before Jala. I think Lynx is the cutest.

Old Pic:

This pic was before I thought of special one. As I thought of it, I decided to add Lion.

This is for Warriors. I Just found it weird that Firestar kept on attracting cats.

Shauntia and Amiri from Special One. Shauntia is Jelani's littermate and is blind in her right eye(gold). Amiri acts like a know-it-all.