So, on Thursday I went to the Jacksonville Zoo on a field trip. Fortunately, I was in a group with only my best friends, while my mom chaperoned. I took lots of pictures.
Moon- Moon and her siblings have to save the cats by defeating dogs that control the weather. ( It sounds kind of weird.)
Special One- Not really sure how to explain this. Jala and her adopted sister, Stream, find their best friends who had disappeared months ( years in their time) ago. They are led to Akili and told about Vince, an evil cat with an army. They are trained to fight and become good fighters. They finally fight the army only to find out something about Vince and Akili that only one cat had guessed.
Sunspot's Diary- The diary of a runaway cat, Sunspot.
Cherry- The life of a cat demon who betrays and kills anyone she doesn't like.
Held Captive- A story about a cat captured by modern day pirates who is saved by a stray and a run-away cat.