Feb 17, 2010

Held Captive-Chapter 1: The Pirates' Captive

My name is Breeze. Pretty much, I’m an average Siamese cat that everyone loves, but, once, I was also a captain’s cat. The captain had been sailing this small cruise ship down to Venezuela for a few months, and he had to take me with him.

It was a nice morning, and we had only a couple of miles until we reached land. I thought that it was going to be an average day; I was wrong. This day was going to be completely different from any other day in my life.

I heard a strange whirring noise nearby, like a boat engine, but I just ignored it. Suddenly, there were a bunch of people on the ship with shotguns. Our ship had very low security, so they could easily get to the captain. They headed towards the helm, so I followed them stealthily. They started speaking in their strange human language. It looked like they were threatening him. The captain didn’t look too afraid. To tell you the truth, he had known that there had been a few pirate attacks recently and had taken the risk of going to this location. Suddenly, he did a strange gesture that I had never seen before from him.

Then they shot him. I backed up into the wall. They had killed the human who I’d lived with since I was a kit. I scampered out of the helm. They saw me leaving and shot at me once. They started heading toward the ship’s safe. I knew I had to help the ship, but I just wanted to run away. I ran up to the first pirate I could and leapt on him. He yelped and threw me on the hardwood floor. I recovered and leapt again. This continued until he held me on the ground with his gun pointing right at me. The human picked me up and threw me into my crate. I hit the metal bars at the back and collapsed. Being a purebred cat, I’m worth a lot of money, so I thought they’d probably sell me.

My vision started to blur as the man lifted my crate. He carried me off the ship and onto one of the three little speed boats. The last thing I saw was the other men taking the money and other things onto the other boats. Then I was unconscious.